Media Days are on their way

February 22, 2010 4:36 pm Published by Comments Off on Media Days are on their way

media day

Baker Geist
News Reporter

The Mesa State College Mass Communication department will host Media Days March 1-2 on the Mesa State campus in the Fine Arts Building. The two-day, event geared towards area high school and MSC students will offer sessions hosted by local media professionals. Session topics range from changes in media fields to legality and ethics in media.
Dan Flenniken, assistant professor of mass communication, said the Media Days are meant not to only interest high school students in media, but also to let them take in the college atmosphere.
“It’s a good chance to see life outside of high school,” Flenniken said. “It gives them a taste of what it’s like to be in a college environment.”
There are a number of sessions scheduled for the two-day event. One of the more unique aspects this year is the University of Colorado School of Journalism hosting The Invisible Web, a one-day workshop taking place both days, aimed at learning about the effects of the Internet on media. Students will also learn how to produce and upload stories to the Internet.
“Having the University of Colorado School of Journalism involved is really a center piece for what media day is going to be this year. What they bring is expertise, award-winning journalists from the Denver Post along with the school of journalism,” Flenniken said.
Media Days are a free event. While there are eight high schools scheduled to attend, MSC students from different disciplines are welcome.
“Our speakers coming from outside don’t just come from mass media. They may work for those comProxy-Connection: keep-alive
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nies but they also work for a business. We’ll have people that work in small business talking about advertising strategies and we’ll have people from radio talking about the business of radio,” Flenniken said. “You might not be getting your degree is mass media, but you might have an interest in eventually working in that field. There are also opportunities to talk about careers and jobs outside of the specific sessions.”

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