Islamic leader dispels religious myths

March 4, 2012 10:52 pm Published by Leave your thoughts


Islam, Muslim, Allah, Quran, Mohammad: these are all words that many in the Grand Valley are unfamiliar with. Over the past decade there has been a lot of talk about Muslims and Islamic religions and not all of it is true.

This caused controversy as well as a misinformed populous about Islam.

“Some people are comfortable being ignorant,” Imam for theNortheast Denver Islamic Center Abdur-Rahim Ali said. “They don’t want to be enlightened. A lot of times with knowledge comes responsibility. Once you know something you’re going to be held accountable for what you know.”

This past week the Mesa Catholic Student Ministry and the Christian Student Fellowship welcomed Ali and Dr. Carrol Watkins Ali to have an open talk about Islam.

“There has been some very gross misrepresentations in the media. A lot of it comes from ignorance and a lot of it comes from fear, but also it is very profitable,” Watkins said.

The event drew nearly 80 people ranging from mostly older to middle-aged citizens, but there were a few CMU students mixed in. Sports management student Jacob Mercer, a practicing Christian, was in attendance and said he was there to learn.

An Imam is a spiritual leader who leads religious services and is the confidant of religious information.

“Islam is the fastest growing religion in America,” Ali said.

Dr. Watkins Ali is Abdur-Rahim’s wife as well as a religious theologian who has a Ph.D. in Theology and Religious Studies from the University of Denver and Iliff School of Theology.

The goal of the evening was to give a brief overview of Islam, denounce any false perceptions people might have, and answer any questions about the religion.

Ali began the night talking about the five pillars of Islam, which is the core of the religion. He compared Islam to a tent with five pillars holding it up. Starting at the center, which is the most important since the tent would fall without it is the belief that there is only one god, he stands alone and is at all times aware.

Next is the Islamic prayer, which is carried out five times a day at specific times of day according to the rotation of the earth. Prayer is believed to wash away all evil, help protect and help purify.

Then is the Zakat, which is a tax of 2.5 percent for the needy as well as to maintain the mosque. Ali stressed that Zakat is mandatory for everyone.

“If you’re a healthy human being you can work,” Ali said.

Another pillar is the time of daylight fasting for 30 days during a special time called Ramadan. It is a time meant to cleanse as well as learn and 1/30th of the Quran is read each day.

Last is the Hajj, which is a journey to the holy city of Mecca during the Islamic month of Dhu al-Hijjah. The journey should be taken at least once in every Muslim’s life that is able to do so.

Contrary to popular belief Muslims do believe in Jesus and all of the prophets as well as the angels. Ali said one of the misunderstandings that he confronts among non-muslims involves Jesus Christ. Muslims do not believe Jesus was the son of God. However, Muslims believe he was a prophet and that Muslims pray to the same god that Jesus did and the same ones Christians still do. Allah is simply the Arabic word for God. Christians in Lebanon say Allah in their prayers rather than God.

Both Imam Ali and Dr. Ali Watkins suggested everyone do their part to end ignorance and learn on their own before casting Judgement. Dr. Ali Watkins recommended a good book titled “What’s Right With America Is What’s Right With Islam” by Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf.


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This post was written by critedev

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